Mobile - Solvent Dispensing & Dosing System

Suitable for any type of solvent dosing into reactor. Single system can dose different types of liquids in Batch Production. Highly accurate Flow meter to measure the liquid. Zone IIA/IIB approved controller with HMI with finger tip selection of batch size and setting. Fully constructed in SS316 for corrosive liquids and environments.
Mobile Solvent system with precise flow measurement
Economical, yet easy to operate system for solvents and liquid dispensing.
Cam lock connectors for quick fit and eliminate solvent leakage in shop floor
All parts MOC is SS316, can be customized
No validation reports and compliance hassles
Anti static wheels
Direct Plug in Replacement to Analog Gauges with Digital Display
Works with AA, 1.5V, 4No's Duracell batteries
Assured Minimum 18 Months battery Life
Eliminate Position sensitiveness
Ensures long-term stability
Optional Clean Room compatible SS Flush Mountable Faceplate
Programmable filter Constant
Temperature compensated DP Measurement
Software Calibration