RH & Temperature Transmitter

RH & Temperature transmitter (Model.No.RHT-70T) is designed to measure the physical parameters moisture content in the air (RH) and temperature and to transmit voltage/current signal to the process indicators or data loggers, which can help the user to monitor the RH & Temperature and to take necessary actions to maintain the room conditions as per the requirement or application. The following are the main application areas where transmitters play an important role
Inbuilt Sensor
Temperature compensation for RH sensor
Fast RH response time
Pharmaceutical industry
Blood stations, pharmacies
Horticultural and cultivation of plants
Relative humidity & Temperature sensors on one module
Inbuilt sensor
Absolute accuracy ±2% of FSR @ 23ºC for RH & ±0.3% of FSR for Temp
Temperature compensation for RH sensor
Ensures long term stability
Fast RH response time
4-20mA/0-1V output for both %RH & Temperature
Network Architecture